Thursday, April 27, 2006

I am somewhat pissed off at some certain people who just dont seem to know to pick up the friggin phone!
I mean, pick up already.
Im leaving early tmrw and Ive got no keys to my room?
I need those friggin keys.

Ive got alot of things to say but when Im typing it seems my mind just went blank.
Dont know where to start.
I havent packed my bag.
Im just plain worried.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

How do I summarize the past 4 weeks? Very hard to do so.
The past 4 weeks was surreal. Right now Im in Subang and I dont wanna go back to Cherating.
Maybe I dont. Maybe just maybe I do. I dont know.
Club Med was not what I expected it to be. Really.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

I am leaving in less that 12 hours.
Its ironic because I wanted to leave subang and now that Im leaving tmrw, I dont wanna leave.
There's so many things to miss.
Family for starters.
Friends secondly.
Home thirdly.
Bed, specifically.
I just realized how attached I am to my family.
We're really that close.
Im gonna miss fighting with Lina, tickling Qarl, bugging Shiver, hugging Tzewa, chasing Aireel & singing to Liyana.
Im gonna miss fighting with my mom.
Bitching about my sisters!
Hey, its stuff like that brings us together! Hah!
Seriously, Im not excited in leaving behind civilasation and live in the woods.
But, its Club Med and there's a beach.
I'd pick Subang still.
Im so staying in subang for the next training.
I swear!

I guess this will be my last entry for 3 months.
If there's internet connection there in Club Med, will update with pictures.
Wish me luck.


Saturday, April 01, 2006

I hate first day of period. I really do.
Cramps the whole day isnt flattering.
I dont have the energy to buy ponstant( is that how we spell it?)
Fuck it.

Did I tell you Arsenal WON over Juventes 2 nights ago?
I didnt?
Arsenal won over Juventes 2 nights ago!
I didnt watch it tho.
But they won.
Dee likey.

I hate period cramps!
Enough said!.