Lets update now. Term 5's coming to an end really soon. Term end exam's is next week and my first paper is financial maths. Kill me now. The only good thing would be my exams will only be 2 days whereas F&B and RD will be 4 days. Then HELLO TERM 6 aka FINAL TERM. Am I excited? FUCK NO!<br>
Just found out last monday that Chef Chong's not teaching us anymore. I wonder who's replacing him. He said it wont be Chef Patrick Siau or Chef Bala. Well that leaves Chef Norizan, Chef Kartina, Chef Tan & Chef Shaari. Hmm. I hope they dont change Chef Karam tho. I love him to bits. Pastry would not have been the same w/out Chef Karam.
Ice kept saying Poka's Green Tea's good shit. Trust me, what im about to tell is the ULTIMATE GOOD SHIT. That is if you're a cheese fan. Get yourself cream cheese and add sugar. Then beat till soft. Then makan! Yes, just like that. Well, we made tiramisu the other day so we had to make those. But if you dont wanna make tiramisu, you can just eat it like that. Sedap amat! Tanya Ice! Meratah tak ingat dunia! The epitome of finger licking good!
Went to MV last friday. Alone. Pathetic kan? Keluar alone. Haih. Anyways, went there bought a thing or two from MnG, Topshop & Dorothy Perkins. I like the feeling. Of buying unnecessary things. Best gila. Then I stumbled upon the coolest shop ever. The knife shop. I went in. Looked around. Went ga ga on every single knife set they have. I nak! But so unaffordable lah. So mahal. One set can reach up to 2k tau! Mahal sgt. But bagus lah. If I were to get it, it wont be the whole friggin set. Still thinking. hmm. should I? Should I not?
Gaduh dengan Dean this morning. Havent heard from him since. Ish. Geram lah. Ish. Menyampah yang sgt2. Tengok lah tmrw morning pulak. Its hard to be in a relationship. Especially when you're in with a very egoistic guy. Im not just saying it. He pun mengaku. Mmg ego sebesar Jupiter. Its like I love him but I friggin hate him at the same time. Esp now. I just dont get guys. EEEEEEE. MENYAMPAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH..
Sunday, March 11, 2007
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