Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Birthday Boy

Today was supposed to be a great day. But it was entirely bad though.

I got pissed yesterday because when I checked my bank account balance and it wasnt pleasant. I banked in my cheque cum salary last week on thursday. And its still not in yet! I am broke beyond imagination! Its like c'mon. Its the 6th already. I need the money. I need the cash.

V'day's coming soon. I need the money. No, no. Not to buy thingies for the Boyfriend. I have to work on Vday for your FYI. I need the money to buy new clothes. My SPGs aka hostess told me if I wear black on Vday they'd throw me in the tong sampah. Literally. Greatness ey? Threatening a manager. I told them, do that and I'll issue them 2 warning letters without mercy!Just to please everybody, I decided to NOT wear black. Getting something soft.White? I dont know. Did I mention that my SPGs getting me a pair of wings for Vday? They're getting me a pair of wings. They want their manager to be and look feminine. As of Im not feminine enough! grr.



Semoga dipanjangkan umur and dimurahkan rezeki! I heart you heaps sweetness. Present is on the way! Fret not!

Friday, February 01, 2008

c'est la vie?

Honestly, i dont even know how to start.. I havent blogged for many many many moons.

Lets talk bout life.. Life in general is good. Ive got no time for myself tho. Social totally nil. Thats how demanding working is. Currently in fridays pj. Almost 2 months now. So far so good. I hope I dont get transfered anymore. I am finally happy working. There were times that I wanted to quit. But I tried putting all those negative thoughts to the side. I try not to be so selfish and decided to give pj store a chance. And I dare say I did the right choice by staying. Im having a blast.

The people is great. James is a great gm. Daniel is a good guy. He's like a brother to me now. I can almost tell him anything. We do fight. Thats what brothers and sisters do I guess. Mike? He is Mike. I dont think I can ever describe him. He's just him. Sarcastic and mean and ergghhh.. A pain in my ass. But he's really hardworking. I really respect him. So yeah.. All of us with different characteristics. I dare say, we all compliment each other just find. And again, Im the only female manager around. Tough luck. grrrr...

Enuff bout work. Lets talk bout things that I miss. Or ppl that I truly miss. First off, Dean. Of course. The love of me life. I havent seen him for 2 weeks. Both of us has been busy lately. Either that or we didnt get the same off day. Truly a bummer.His birthday is coming tho. This 6th of feb. No plans so far.

I miss having free time. I miss reading books. I have too many books to finish up and I havent gotten the time nor the energy to complete my whole collection of books. I miss hanging out with my dear frens. My man whore reuben. haha.

I miss college life. Seeing all of my frens still studying.. I feel left out. I want to go back to college. Really.

Finally, I miss being 21. All I do now is work. I woke up and showered and straight to work. Go back earliest at 10 or latest 12. Sleep and wake up and showered and go to work. Thats all I do now. Thats my life now. I miss being young and 21. I dont have time to cherish it. Im scared Im gonna regret working too soon.