Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Once upon a time.....

1) Single or Taken: Currently, single. And the more I hear people complain about their relationship problems, the happier I am being single.
2) Birthday: December 23rd,1986.
3) Siblings: 4 sisters,1 brother.
5) Shoe : Size 5 in women's. However, I can still wear kids' size shoes...
6) Height: 5'5 or less.
7) Who is/are your best/closest friend(s) : Hilyah.

---------------Fashion Stuff---------------
1) Where is your favorite place to shop? :I dont shop.At least not much but I do like Sommerset Bay and Women's Secret (so shoot me - I like pretty bras and such... typical girliness showing through!)
2) Do you have any tattoos or piercings?: I have my ears pierced.

1) Have you ever smoked?: Smoked what? A cigarette? Pot? A tea bag (yes, I do know someone who has smoked a tea bag, don't ask me what they were thinking)? I don't waste my time on this sort of crap, and I have better things to spend money and time on.
2) What kind of shampoo do you use? : Whatever one I decide to buy.
3) What are you most scared of?: Clowns,needles,dentist.
4) What are you listening to right now?: Mama- Il Divo.
5) What vehicles do you wish to have? : Oh, you had to ask, didn't you? Im fine with what I have now.
6) how many people are on your buddy list now?: 109. I just deleted one bozo. I can't promise that more won't follow in the path of that bozo.
7) If you could change anything about yourself what would it be?: I don't really know... even changing the tiniest thing could drastically change everything else....

1) Color: Although I appreciate the whole color spectrum, my favorite colors lie in the darker shades.
2) Place to eat: At home. I don't have to worry about stupid people staring at me, I can take as bloody long as I please to eat my food, I don't have to ask for a doggy bag, I don't have to worry about possibly being seated next to a table of annoying morons... the list could go on.
3) Names for boys: Oh, don't ask me to think about this.
4) Names for girls: Same here.
5) Subjects in school: I liked my history and literature.
6) Sport to watch: Gymnastics and football.

---------------Have You Ever---------------
1) Given anyone a bath?: Yes.
2) Broken the law?: Speeding tickets... that's about it.
3) Made your-self throw-up? : Countless times.
4) Made your-self cry to get out of trouble?: Yes.
5) Been so drunk you blacked out? : I don't drink to begin with.... those who do stuff like this - getting so drunk they black out - are extremely weak-minded.
6) Missed school because it rained?: Not that I can recall.
7) Put a body part on fire for amusement?: Can I say that this would be pure stupidity?
8) Been hurt emotionally?: Oh, many times over.
9) Kept a secret from everyone? : There's a few skeletons in the closet...
10) Had an imaginary friend? : Who said they ever left?
11) Cried during a movie? : Only if it happens to be during that horrid time of month... but I cry over odd things in movies then...
12) Had a crush on a teacher?:UGH.
13) Cut your own hair? : Not anymore.
14) Been sarcastic? : Oh come on now, like who hasn't at least once in their life??
15) Slept with someone when they were seeing someone else?: Well, I haven't slept with anyone, and I certainly as hell wouldn't if they were with someone else. Besides, I don't care what the hell you guys say - you all say you want someone unique and different .... yet you go and date the bitches who are all carbon-copies of each other and who don't know what to wear without looking at a magazine to tell them what to wear.
Guys don't want a freak like me....
17) Regretted doing something? : Been there.
18) Had a tattoo? : Nope.
19) Slept with a relative?: Don't lie, I know you mean in the sexual sense --- and that's just fucking disgusting.
20) Did you have to think about that question? : It makes me think that you sleep with your relatives and that you feel you have to ask if others do so you can figure out for yourself that you're fucking messed up in the head.

---------------Friends & Life---------------
1) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Refer back to the first question you asked, moron.
2) Like anyone?: Oh yes.Normal crushes.
3) Who have you known longest?
4) Who is the loudest? : Hilly!
5) Who s the shyest? : I am the shyest person I know, I do believe.
6) Who s the weirdest?: *shrugs*
7) Who do you go to for advice?: *leans back in chair, stares at ceiling.
8) Who do you cry with? : *yawns*
9) What is the best feeling in the world?: As much as I hate to say this,being in love.
12) Do you believe in soul mates? : *blank stare*
13) Who has seen you cry? : Mom.
14) When have you cried the most? : 28th march 2005 until now.

---------------Right Now---------------
1) Wearing: Black Ruby Gloom's singlet and black boxers.
2) Drinking: nothing.
3) Thinking about: Jay Chou.
4) Talking to: My imaginary friend.
5) Watching: *examines nails*

---------------In The Last 24 Hours---------------
1) Cried: Nope.
2) Met someone new: When working at a store like MPH, you will meet someone new every single day you work. Now whether you ever see them again is another story.
3) Cleaned your room: I started organizing it.... last week..... kind of gave up though.
4) Drove a car: Of course.

---------------Do You Believe In---------------
1) Santa Claus: No.
2) Yourself: Try to as best I can. It's hard to when people continuously put you down.
3) Tooth Fairy: No.
4) Ghosts: And who says they can't exist?
5) Spirits: Yes.
6) Angels: I don't see why they can't exist.
7) Karma: It's there, most people just don't see it.

Final Questions---------------
1) Gold or Silver: Silver and gold... silver and gold...
2) What is the last film you saw: Has been awhile.
3) Favorite cartoon character(s): Shaggy and Scooby,Morticia and Wednesday Addams.
4) What do you have for breakfast in the morning? : Whatever I can find if I have time to eat breakfast.

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