' All my bags are packed,
I'm ready to go....'
Hahaha..Not really..My bags arent packed yet. Its funny tho. Ive never really unpacked my bags after I came back from Club Med. I guess somehow I know, I'd go back. Someday. And that someday is this SUNDAY. Which is very sudden. Im happy and sad all at the same time.
Am I being selfish? I mean, my mom's sick and Im leaving her & the rest of my family for 2 months. Am I selfish?
I didnt know how to tell my parents that Im going back. It was a heavy burden. Now that they know, feels like the burden has been lifted off. A good good feeling.
The feeling thats haunting me - Guilt. Grr..
Geram. Lepas satu-satu.
4 more days to go..