It all started on Tuesday actually. I had class the whole day. Until 530 actually. But considering this week's the first week and it was the first class, my lecturer let us go 30 mins earlier. So around 5 pm, I was at the mamak with Reuben, Zara & the rest. Was planning to head home after the lepak session. Dean was Dean that day. I asked him what he was going to do the whole day, he said 'watch tv and sleep.' He said he was on leave for a week. Oh well. I thought he'd come and visit or something. He said he would but on Friday. Haih. I was disappointed. I wished he'd come earlier. I mean, why not right? He was on leave. Whatever la. So when I was lepak-ing, I received a text from Dean. It says ' Im in KLIA now. Just arrived.' I was shocked. Who wouldn't? Zara asked me why I looked confused. Hell, I was confused and shocked. So much for watching tv and sleep the whole day.
I called him straight. I was curious and confused. He said he just arrived. So ok. I asked him if I get to see him or not. He said up to me. Hell! Of course I want to meet him. I havent seen him for 2 months!! Thats long ok? Then, Dean said if I didnt wanna see him, he's gonna go straight to Pudu and get the first ticked to Kuantan and will come again on Friday with Don and Ah Choy. Then I told him that I'd go and see him in KLIA straight away. Like hell, Im gonna waste this oppurtunity to see him.
So I went to KLIA only to find out that he's in LCCT which is another 15 mins drive from KLIA. Quite stupid but nvm. Dean punya pasal! haha. So when Ive finally met Dean, we went straight to Sunway, where he checked in at Sun Inn. It was sorta cheap. Then went to pyramid, grab dinner at Secret Recipe. Send him back. Told him that Id pick him up the next morning at arnd 8am coz we promised to have breakfast with Chai Yi in college.
So the next morning, I woke up at 7am. Called Dean up. He didnt pick up. Knowing him. Tido mati im telling you. Tried calling again after shower, didnt pick up. I was thinking, ' nak kena ni Dean ni.' Tried calling until I actually reach Sun Inn. But failed. 'mmg kena.' was what I thought. I asked the receptionist to call him so many times but failed. So I told her, that she had to do something. He had to check out that morning and that it was an emergency. So she went up, brought along the keys. She banged the door, and there he was, all baru bangun tido. * SMACK SMACK* He apologise and all and hit the shower and we were on our way to college. Met up with Chai yi and Jessie. Chatted for awhile. Then I sent him off to LRT station in Kelana Jaya. Off he went to Kuantan.
Thursday was a bore. No Dean. But had lunch with Chai Yi tho. So it wasnt so bad after all.
Friday came. Met up with Chai Yi, Don, Dean and Ah Choy. Lepak at the mamak again. This time longer than the last time. Then Chai Yi went to class. We went to Rouche where I had low shee fun. haha.. Did I get it right? Whatever lah. Lepak-ed. Bang-ed Ah Choy. Poor dude. haha. Just burning time. While waiting for Chai Yi to be done with her class. Then we went our seperate ways. Don & Chai Yi went to Cititel coz that was where Don stayed. Ah Choy went back to Seremban. Dean and I went back to Sun Inn to check him in again. Got his room. He showered and all. Off we went to Sunway Pyramid. Ber-dating tgk cerita hantu. Jangan Pandang Belakang. IT WAS SCARY LIKE FUCK ok? I bit Dean everytime I was scared. It was pretty much all the time. Fuck je. Then after the movie, Dean wanted to eat coz he was hungry. We shared the low shee fun in the afternoon. So yeah. We went to Sushi King. He had his thing. And I had sushi.. Whee.. So around 6, went back to sun inn. Lepak-ed for an hour. Catch up with things. You know 2 months tak jumpe, so like so many things to say. Borak2. So around 7, pulang ke rumah.
Saturday, pergi MV. Picked up Dean from sun inn. Off we went to KTM station. First time taking train. No, Im not spoilt. I trusted him. But we got into the wrong train when we were in KL sentral. Dean Dodol. Haha. But we managed to reach MV on time. Met Chai Yi and Don in Chilli's where Zara and Caryne was the hostesses. Choy said he'd be running late coz his train was stuck. I think lah. So we ordered first. I had the buffulo salad sumthing while Dean and Don had some citrus rice chicken ape tah. Don shared with Chai yi. I shared mine with Dean. And he shared his with me. Choy came and he ordered some salad jgk. Snapped piccies. Made fun of each other. Kacau choy. Food race between dean and choy. It was fun lah. Kan Chai Yi. Then after lunch, Don and chai yi went seperate ways. Chai yi said she wanted to get sumething with don. So oklah. Jalan2 with Dean n Choy. Knowing both of them, toy freaks. They went into every toy store there is in MV. Gila bosan.. haha. not that bosan. Its just that, not my kind of thing. Then dean nak msk every store thats selling adidas thingy. He's an adidas freak btw. Called Chai yi said that we were heading to Secret recipe. I hutang dean one cake from secret recipe. Don and chai yi joined shortly. Kat sana pun byk idiotic moments. Gila funny when dean suap don. haih. it was just so fun. Then we decided to call it the day. After Chai yi got a cab, we went to the train station. That was where choy's head got stuck in between the train's door. I thought it was HILARIOUS. Me, dean and don couldnt stop laugh. We were laughing thru out the train ride. Choy kept his cool. Control la tuh. Dean sent me to my car and then he was back to seremban with don and choy.

Sunday came. Picked all of them at mentari. Went to pyramid. Lunch at chicken rice shop. It was awkward. Don and Chai yi mcm in a bad mood. I dont know what happened. It was just so odd. Dean's mood pun mcm agak screwed coz it was awkward. We planned to go to sunway lagoon. but with everyone's mood mcm tuh, tak fun. That was what I thought. Dean had his lunch quietly, which was weird coz he's not quiet. He was diff la. then he just took off. I assumed he went to the toilet but weirdest part he didnt came back. He called choy and told him to pay for him first. After paying, called dean and asked his whereabouts, he said he was in MPH. WTF? Went to see him, he was in a diff mood. Cold. I asked him what happened. He said he got affected by ppl's mood. Then he ckp he was in no mood to go to sunway lagoon nemore. So, Don, chai yi and choy went without us. Tried pujuk2 bit. His mood was getting better. Wanted to watch a movie but tade yg best. So pusing2 sunway pyramid till bosan. Then dean decided to go to sunway lagoon.
We went. naik the ferris wheel first. then, the boot thingy. then buffalo roller coaster. by then, dean was ok already. naik the bridge. snapped pics. then turun. bumped into choy, don and chai yi. naik the boots thingy again together. along with the buffalo roller coaster. chai yi takut!! haha.. then amik2 pics again. then the guys went for the scarier roller coaster. chai yi and i tak nak. so we just lepak. the guys turun and they wanted to naik the tomahawk or sumthing. but dean n I wanted to naik the pirates ship. Don n Choy nak join but couldnt coz they werent wearing any slippers or shirts. chai yi mmg tak nak naik. so it was just me and dean. WE THOUGHT it was just a normal ride. Boy we were wrong! it went up 360m degrees tau!! I was scared outta my wits. Dean was calming me down. Asked me to hold his hand. I couldnt. I was scared. it was scary tau! it felt as thou i was on it forever. after it was over, i had a slight headache. dean was apologising and all. it was not his fault. he didnt know too. oh well. did we went into anymore rides after that? umm.. tak ingat. but we did naik the bridge again. with don , chai yi and choy this time. took pics again. then pergi quicksilver shop. main2. dean was posing with that cowboy hat that he so want. haha. then kita pun decide nak pulang. but makan dulu. coz i havent had lunch. pergi KFC. makan2. then beli famous amos for dean and sundae for me. then i sent all of them at setia jaya station.
I had fun. Im glad dean came. happy gila. best ada don, chai yi and choy arnd too. we should do that again!!
right now, dean, don n choy are on the bus. going back to kuantan. shud reach arnd 4 am.
i'll be seeing dean again in may. spiderman 3 together. teehee.
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