Been fighting with Dean for a few days already. We fight. We make up. Fight & make up. And now, we just made up. So sick of fighting. I dont need this now. Not when my finals is next thursday. But he's not the only one to blame i guess. Maybe Im not understanding enough. Its like the more I try to understand him, the more confused I am. I dont know. I love him. Without a doubt. I guess relationships arent supposed to be easy. There'll always be ups and downs. Like a wheel. What goes up must come down. Oh well. The rest is for me to know, keep and forget.
Lets talk bout today! Today was the day I dread. French oral. Not easy. I was never good at french. In short, i was not confident with the whole french thing. Barely slept. Woke up early. Showered bla bla. Reach college. Mamak with Ice, Reuben and Liao. Went up to level 9 and started practicing the french thing again. As soon as they called Reuben, I started shivering. It meant, my turn was coming soon. Then they called me. OH NO! Entered the preparation room. And was given a passage to read. I screwed up jugak la. It was cool coz Mr Yeoh was my Jury. From nervous terus tak nervous. He made me feel calm and comfy. So it went ok la. I could've done better. I know I couldve done better. But all in all, it was not as bad as i thought it'd be. It was funny actually. Reuben la. Rubena la. har har. ANYWAYS, Im happy trials is over. I flunked it I think but Im glad its over. Denise said trials are always hard. I guess she's right. I should study harder for finals. I hope can get that 1st mention. Haih. Mcm tak dpt je.