Its over. O-V-E-R! FINITO! haha. Oh my. Happynya aku. It was scary waiting for it to be done. Now that its done, WHEEEEEEEEEEE!!
I wasnt able to sleep properly. Just naps. ergh. Went to college and lepak-ed with Liao. I panicked. I was so scared. Didnt know what to expect. Sweating like a pig. Wanted to piss in my pants. Had butterfly in my stomach. Thought itd be hard and scary. I thought wrong.
I cant quite remember the name of the main course. It was chicken with brown sauce and mushrooms along with pommes cocotte, glaze a blanc carrot and jardiniere french beans. Instead of a starter, we made a dessert. Apple tart. Pheeeww. Thought we had to make choux pastry or something. Haih. It was great. For me. =)
For a person who always screw up in kitchen, today was great. Everything went smoothly. My short crust pastry was a little bit wet but it was fine. When I blind baked it, it was evenly baked which I thought was weird. haha. My apple stew was great. After 2 hours, I sent my dessert to the Jury. Phewww again.
Sending dessert would mean, I had to rush my main course. Turned my potatoes and carrots while sautee-ing the chicken. I was so caught up with turning my veges that I terburnt my chicken. Bit only la. It was fine. Blanched my french beans. Glazed a blanc my carrot. That, was a wonder to me. Usually, in class, i'd burn my glaze. Or turn it into amber but today, it was perferct.
Chef Kartina reminded us that we had only 1/2 hour left. Then I realize that I havent done my sauce. I havent even peeled the mushrooms!! Or cut the shallots! I was like 'fuckkk'. But I calmed myself down and tried working a fast a I could. Luckily, it all went great. I had Chef Thanda to thank. He was my jury btw. He helped alot. ALOT! Grateful I am!
All in all, I am happy. I did the best I could. Im satisfied. Sort of sad too. All this means, no more college to Delaila. We shook hands with all the Chefs. Made me sad. Everything seems so final. Chef Bruno and Chef Pascal was saying that we should continue higher dip to learn more bout cuisine. Sedey aku sedey. How I wish I could. Haih.
No higher dip means no more hanging out with James, Kyky, Zara and the rest! Im gonna miss my tonedeaf fren, kyky for singing till hujan. Miss eating mee hun telur goreng kedai uncle. I will not miss level 7. Hahah. Dowan la talk bout college. Sedey. Coz I really do like my college. College life is sooo muccchhhh better than highschool. Too bad I have to stop at diploma. ='(
Anyways, time to hunt for a job. I should call that Tim dude. Chef Patrick gave me his number. Said that he's opening a restaurant in Bangsar and looking for kitchen crew. Chef Patrick said to tell Tim that Im his student, said i'd get the job immediately. Haha. Nice ey? Indeed. Even Chef Thanda pun suruh apply for Garden Hotel. A new hotel that'll open in Jan. Hmm.. wahhh.. teehee. I'll think bout it.