Sunday, April 06, 2008

I havent been updating my blog. I miss writing. I havent had the time to blog. All I do now is work. It is that demanding. Its really tiring.

Lets talk bout today, shall we? Hmm. I went to work around 12pm. Saturday. Grr. Slammed. Had no time to eat. Had to entertain guests all day long. Lateeer on the night, Denise called. She said she was outside. She came to bring me over to Bar Celona. Ah Liao's birthday celebrating. Oh joy. I forgot. I told her I was about to finish work and asked her if she could wait. She said to call her when Im leaving. So ok. Bagus la tu.

Lepas habis keje pg clubbing. Haih. For a while only. It was alright. Not bad. Met Zara, kyky, renna, andre, ika, justin and wayne there. Had fun.


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