Sunday, April 13, 2008

I wonder.

I think I am blessed. Am I? I dont know. Put aside the fact that I dont have time for myself, I actually have a good life now. Im working. A good post. A sort of good pay. And hey! Im just 21. I am happy in some weird ways.

Ever since I started working, I see things in a different perspective. I think. I thought I had bad temper but I guess I dont. Coz I work in a service industry where I have to meet alot of people. People with different characteristics and different needs. And some are more difficult that the other. But I managed it just find. There was never a moment where I totally lost it. Nope. I learn to listen, apologize, respond and say thank you.

Its not easy. Because you will definately meet people who most definately piss the living shit out of you. No doubt. But you have to control. I have to control. Why? This is my rice bowl. Be nice to people, and they will be nice to you. A cliche motto but true.

Whenever Im in a situation where I have to deal with difficult people, I wonder, why would they make a-would-be-easy-situation-difficult.. I wonder if it makes them happy. Being difficult that is. Or does it make them feel great coz they have the guts to argue. I really wonder.

I know some may have gone abroad to study but again I wonder, if you dont possess good manners when it comes to dining or interacting with people you dont know, I really think the money you spent studying far far away, a waste.

Whats the point of blaja tinggi2 and jauh-jauh if attitude mcm pantat ayam? I WONDER! Tak de faedahnya ckp kasar dgn orang. You have nothing to gain but everything to lose. ish. I wonder.