"See me in the headlines
Manipulate your simple minds
So put your hands up in praise
I'm your god, and you're my slave
People hate me
Cause I'm better than you
And people hate me
And that's the motherfucking truth
People hate meAnd you can all fuck offI'm perfect, pissed off, beautiful... I'm god." - awesome right?
I wanted to post these pictures last night but the blogger's server was down, go figure. Raya Haji was better than expected. No one came but all of us were there and we got the chance to bond better also to snap pictures. It was indeed a rare occation for me. I had fun & ate alot of SINFUL food. Im telling you. Im getting fat and Im not happy about it. And somehow Im not doing anything about it. Im just controlling my food. Nah, controlling's not the word. Its crash diet. Im not eating. Its not good, I know. But do I look like I care? I dont right? So yeah. If I sakit pon, the one who will take me to the doctors will be, Me. So why bother caring? DEE DAH GEMUK.I dont like.
People that matters.
Aireel. 10 months. Brother's baby.Gorgeous.
Qarl. 4 years old. K. Eleen's lil boy.
Shiver aka Ain. 2 years old. K.Zz'z 2nd baby. My darl.
Shiver. My shiver. Was eating choc cake.
The sister. The niece. The sister & aunty.