Tuesday, December 09, 2008


Im just in the mood to be writing.

I watched TWILIGHT 4 times in the cinema and countless times online. Obsessive much? Indeed.

I dont know. Maybe because I loved the book? Maybe. When I found out that they were releasing the movie, I was excited. But I kept telling myself that I shouldnt get too excited. Most movie adaptations are crap. Example : PS, I LOVE YOU, Da Vinci Code & Harry Potter.

But I was soo into the book that it was only right to a huge fan of Stephenie Meyer to be watching the movie.

And I did. On the first day of the release. Right after work. And again, 2 days later with my dear sister. And again, 2 days after with my staff. And again, the next day with Dean Love.

I read Twilight countless times before the movie was even made. So I kinda know the book by heart. I even imagined how Edward Cullen would look like. Even Bella. Alice. Rosalie. Emmet. Jasper. Carlisle. James. Victoria.

When I first saw Bella in the movie, I thought she was purrrrteeey. Not the kind I had in my imagination. But she did the character just!

Then, Edward Cullen came into the picture. At first, I was disappointed. He looked NOTHING like the Edward Cullen I had imagined him to be. But the longer I watched, the more I fancy him. He's soft spoken and so gorgeous. With undescribable voice. Love the voice.

Jacob Black was a disappointment thru out the movie. It was so obvious that he didnt fit. I heard, Stephenie Meyer wanted Steven Strait from The Covenant to play Jacob but the director disagree. So, hello whatever-your-name-is who plays Jacob Black.

The original Jacob

Steven Strait.

I knew Carlisle was supposed to be a blond but I never imagined him to be one in my, of course imagination. So, he looked sorta odd in the movie. Being blond and very pale. One of those fake pale skins. But he was alright. He played the character well. Just like how it was supposed to be.

Damn Eric is Asian! It was not mentioned in the book. There was no Lauren in the movie. Too bad.

Rosalie. In the book, she was described and I quote : "tall and statuesque. She had a beautiful figure, the kind you saw on the cover of the sports illustrated swimsuit issue, the kind that made every girl around her take a hit on her self-esteem just by being in the same room. Her hair was golden, gently waving to the middle of her back."

And of course, Jasper and Alice.

The movie wasnt a total disappointment. Matter of fact, I sorta fancy the movie. The movie was in line with the book. They had to squash 500 pages story into a 2 hour movie. So, it wasnt bad at all.

Is it worth it?


I didnt get to celebrate. So I sorta envy those who did. *cursin fridays*.

Well, today wasnt entirely a great day. It started off quite slow. Slow to not great.

My GM received this complaint email from a guest. The guest complained that he came in last weds in hoping to celebrate his gf's b'day. He spoke to my server that he wanted a Friday's Sundae (ice-cream) instead of the Choc Cake that we usually give out for b'days. Procedure is procedure. You cant change coz its free. Well, my server asked Shaun, my collegue if it could be switched. Shaun said no. That was that. The email came in and that dude CLAIMED that Shaun told him " Sorry sir, you're in my territory!" WTF! I mean, get real already. He is a validated manager. He would never say stuff like that to people. Let alone to a guest. Plus my server witnessed everything. Shaun didnt even go to the table. Its amazing how people can just lie. Now, Shaun is in deep trouble. He might just get a warning letter or terminated for something he didnt even do. Its just unfair. You see, this industry is cruel.

Some parts of me are telling me that THAT guest had something against Shaun. He even complained that he saw Shaun eating buffalo wings with his hands. He claimed that its not hygenic. Let me get this straight coz its so frustrating facing STUPID guests like this. If Shaun wants to eat his fucking wings with his fucking hands are his fucking business, dont you think?
He's not retarted to eat wings with fork and knife. Myself and Shaun would usually make fun of guests who eats wings or nachos with forks and knifes. Its just so funny. If we're lucky, we even get to see some of them make a fool out of themselves. Pisau and garpu terpelanting sana and sini ALERT! lol. OK, not the point. Point is, whichever way he wants to eat his food, is his problem. He's eating it. He's not touching your food. What is wrong with you? Mentally challenged are you? He could lose his job you know? What kind of a person are you?

Stuff like that are the exact kind of thing that we have to deal with everyday. Sometimes we get shouted at for things we didnt even do. Thats never fair. But when a guest in unhappy, they tend to want to talk to a manager. And we'll get it. Like there's no tomorrw. Like we're some kind of embecile or a moron.

It made me wonder if its all worth it. Studying so hard to get a good job. And getting shouted at for the things we didnt even do. Is it worth it? Is it?

Monday, December 08, 2008

After a month of not updating my blog, I realized that I dont know how to start updating.
At times, I even forget that I even own a blog. Im sorry, blog. I dont mean to abandon you.

Browsing thru my ancient previous posts was one of the things I enjoyed doing. Not recently tho, I havent had that much time in my hands.
No, dont judge me just because I enjoy reading what I wrote.
It just made me realized how different my life is now compared to ermm a couple of years ago.
How different I am now.
I'd never realized it without this blog.
So, I guess thats reason enough to keep this blog longer.
Yes, Ive considered deleting this blog.

Life is hard. Yes.

An old friend came to visit and we started talking about life.
She said that if one day her mom were to tell her that she'd found the guy that she should marry, someone that would make her happy, she'd accept.
Reason being, she said she's so gatal now.
I dont know what her defination of gatal and I dont think I wanna know.
She then said that life starts after marriage.
Its a saying I have to admit, Ive never heard before.

But I disagree anyways.
I told her that she would change her mind once she has steady job. I know she will.

Currently, I am quite confused.

I dont know what I want. I dont even know if Im happy.

I just dont know.