Sunday, December 04, 2005

Ive been having cough since last week and its getting annoying.
Went to the clinic twice and no improvement.
Haih..its hurting my chest.
And I expect myself to be in a good condition when tuesday arrives.
Coz thats when I'll become the Restaurant Manager and I want to prove
to myself,my parents and frens that Im not a complete whackjob.
Coz it seems to me that no matter how hard I try,
there will be people better than me.
Some dont even study half as hard as I do.
And its frustrating,really.
I work really hard and all I get is average.
How on earth am I going to be the Valedictorian?

At least Ive passed up all my assignments and all I have to do now
is study for my finals which is in less than 2 weeks.
Thats scary.
How time flies.
The last thing I remembered was me,still working in MPH.
Thinking if I'll ever leave MPH and study.
And at this very moment,
I can call myself a college student.
Me, Delaila, Taylor's School of Hosptality student.
Im happy.

Honestly speaking,
I kinda miss working in Mph.
Went to parade just now, and saw everyone that I used to work with.
I miss everything about it.
Most of them left mph, but still.
I dont know how to describe the feeling.
Whenever I go to mph,I wanna work again and yet I dont wanna give up studies.
I came this far.
Oh well..

The cough's killing me.
I havent updated my blog in the longest time,I know.
I dont know what to write anymore.
Life's not that interesting.
Mine specifically.
I'll brag more when I finally have a guy in my life ok?