Sunday, May 22, 2005


- So,I just found out today that Vijay will be doing my appraisal.Tough luck knowing that I dont really fancy him.But then again,Im luckier than Parames.K.Yati will be doing hers.Not that K.Yati is aweful,its just that the two of them dont click.Nah.They cant stand each other.That was why Parames left the office and ruined my life outside.Actually,I dont really give a shit if Vijay's doing my appraisal since I'm leaving really soon.I'll miss my bonus.Haih.That's a month salary mind you!

- Today was ok I think.I got the chance to bond more with Patience.Did I tell you that I think she's a doll?*dang* Jega approved my leave tomorrow.Planning to watch Star Wars Episode 3:Revenge of the Sith.Oh Hayden~I lied to Jega just becoz of Star Wars.No correction.Just becoz of Hayden.My Hayden.

- Hey Im still here waiting for Joshua to show up.It has been a week since I last spoke to him.And I waited for him everyday.And no exception today.I am so stupid arent I?I trust people that had broken their promises before.Eg:My mom.She said she'd pay for college.She didnt say it once.Not twice but 3 times.And in the end,I was left to bleed.She wants me to re-take my math paper but I just cant see the point since my dad asked me to do a resume so that he could send it to his fren.And maybe just maybe,he could get me a job in a friggin bank.Oh joy~~
I told my mom once that I DO NOT enjoy working 9-5.I am not that kind of person.I'd get bored easily.Did she listen?NO.She kept saying that you study coz you want to work,and now that you're working....You get my point?

- Im just so sick of everything.Ive been lied constantly as if I dont feel a friggin thing.And Im so sick of waiting.I should really move on.I shouldnt wait,see and talk to Joshua anymore.Thats the best way.Coz I really dont think I'd be ok if he tells me he's with someone else.I really dont think I could take it.I love him separuh mati.Ahh..FUCK LOVE.


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