Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Your Looks
Hair color: Currently black.
Eye color: Dark brown.
Do you wear contacts or glasses: No contacts, no glasses.
Do you have any piercings: One in each ear.
Where do you want it to be, if you want more?: I personally think more piercings would look stupid on me.
Do you have a tattoo: No, and not interested.
If you were to get one, what and where: Oh my, I just told you the answer in the previous question's answer.
Do you wear any rings: No.
Do you have a certain fashion you follow: Yes, it's called "I'll wear whatever the bloody hell I feel like wearing."

Just Lately
How are you today: Oh, my eyes are giving me problems.
What does your hair look like at the moment: Tied?
What song are you listening to right now: Nothing, at the moment.
What was the last thing you ate: Cadbury marble chocolate.
How is the weather right now: Cooled off considerably, raining, some thunder here and there, probably still lightning out also.
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My collegue,Hema.She wanted to know Mint's phone number.You really think people would call me without a purpose?
Last Dream you can remember: It has something to do with the spookiness that's happening in my house.
Who are you talking to right now: No one.

More About You
Ever almost died: A few times considering I was dumb to cut myself.
How do you eat an Oreo: Many,many at a time.But I barely have oreos nowadays.
What makes you happy: Writing.And work.
What's the best advice ever given to you: 'People study coz they want to work,but now that you're working..' Yeah..The advice rock my world.Not.
Have you ever won any special award: Not that I'm aware of. Unless I have and no one told me I did.
What are your future goals?: To own a restaurant or at least a cafe.And visit Holland and be with all the Tulips in the world.
Do you like to dance: Actually I do.
Worst sickness you've ever had: 3 years ago.When I had 17 stitches somewhere and I cant eat anything but soup.And I dont like soup.Torture.
What's the stupidest thing you've ever done?: Since I don't remember stuff like this, you'd have to ask someone else.
What's your favorite memory: Actually 2004 was a good year for me.Probably I was with My One and My Only.He still is,its just that he doesnt know it.Feh.
If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?: The only thing I would change is that I'd be a few inches taller.
Where do you shop the most: Any store that sells cds or Nightmare Before Christmas stuff.
How many kids do you want to have: 3 the most.
Son's name: I like Adam.
Daughter's name: Iris or Hazel.
Do you do drugs: I have better ways to spend my time and money.
Do you drink: Again, I have better ways to spend my time and money.
What kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use: Whatever one I decided to buy when I last bought shampoo and conditioner.
What sport do you hate the most: Which one do I hate the most? Oh my, this is a difficult decision. Hmm. It's a tie between boxing and golf.
What are you most scared of: You'll never know. Those of you who read these things will notice that my answer changes each time I fill one of these out.
How many TV's do you have in your house: One upstairs, two downstairs.
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: There's one on my bed but I dont hold it or anything.Its just there.A gift from my collegues.
Who do you tell your dreams to? Ones that have significance to them, I write down in a journal; I don't tell anyone those dreams. There are some that I have that are just so stupid that I might tell people.
Who's the loudest friend you have: I dunno.
Who's the quietest friend?: -
Is Cheerleading a sport?: I guess? They have practices and competitions... hey, some people even consider Chess to be a sport. However, I don't care about sports or whether something is or isn't a sport.

You and Love
Where would you like to go on your honeymoon: Holland.
What song do you want played at your wedding: "Haunt Me" - Wednesday 13. Or maybe "Sonne" - Rammstein.
Longest crush: Like I remember or care.
Are you shy to ask someone out: Not really.
Do others find you attractive: I dont know.Ask them.

This Or That?
Lights on/off: Well, if I'm walking through a room and it's dark outside, it'd be nice to have the lights on so I can see where I'm going and not trip on anything. If I'm sleeping, then I'd rather have the lights off.
Sun or rain: The sun is nice, but rain is nice too.
Mickey D's or BK: Both.
Scary or happy movies: Scary movies. Once in a while, a happy one is ok.
Backstreet Boys or NSYNC: Bsb.
On the phone or in person: I hate the phone.... so, in person.
Summer or winter: Neither. Spring and autumn.
Hugs or kisses: Don't touch me unless I give you permission to.
Chocolate or white milk: Chocolate milk.
Root Beer or Dr. Pepper: Vanilla coke.
CD or Tape: CD.
Cats or Dogs: Cats.
Vanilla or Chocolate: Chocolate-vanilla.
Skiing or Boarding: Sleeping.
Cake or pie: Cake.
Diamond or pearl: Pearl.
Sunset or sunrise: Sunset.

Color: Black, chrome, cerulean, dark purple, wine red, bing-cherry red , white.
Fast Food: McD.
Candy: I dont eat candy.
Sport: Who's going chicken huntin? ... We's going chicken huntin!
Just kidding. Maybe.
Song: Oh my,I really dont want to type it all out.
Actor or Actress: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler and Liv Tyler.
Show: Doesnt matter.

Loved someone so much it makes you cry: Indeed.
Drank: Nope, never had the interest to do so, and never will.
Broken the law: Only by speeding. And getting caught doing so.
Ran from the cops: Nope. I'm a perfect angel.
Stole something: Oh, I suppose this would qualify as breaking the law also, wouldn't it?

*Complete The Sentence:
I once had a dream... that all my dreams came true.Ironic innit?
I don't even know why... I bothered listening to my mom.She'd lie again.
I'd give anything to have sex with... Actually,you can say Im lying or talking trash,I dont have interest in sex.
Nothing sucks more than... having a lump on your eyes.It'll make you look..umm weird.
If I had six bucks I'd buy... some more cadbury marble choc.
It's always more fun when I am with... my car.
You can't eat steak without... soy sauce!
I really like you and everything but... the Street Freak doesn't like you, so we'll just have to be friends. I'm sorry. [not really]

*What would you do if...
A dirty old guy at the airport slaps your ass? Deck him with my metal lunchbox.
Somebody was about to steal your car? Deck them with my metal lunchbox. Kick them. When they're down on the ground, kick them some more. Then run them over with my car.
You wake up with a billion spiders crawling all over you and your bed? A billion? Seriously? Damn, that's a lot of spiders. I don't think they'd all fit on my bed.
The person you just kissed told you they have oral herpes? Deck them with my lunchbox, then run them over with my car.
You had three wishes? Hmm..I cant think of anything with 2 wishes but I do know that I will ask for another 3 wishes for my last wish.
The government allowed you to choose one thing to be made legal? "And you're the reason that murder should be legalized..." Hmm. I don't know. I don't really care.
Britney Spears was at your front door asking for jumper cables? Tell her she's got more than enough money to go to Carrefour and buy her own dame jumper cables....
Had a time machine?I dunno. Probably let it sit in the basement collecting dust.
FOX gave you a half hour show to do whatever you wanted? And why would I want this?

*Would you rather...
Find the cure for cancer or AIDS? Right now, I'd have to say cancer since most people with AIDS deserves it.
Have the power to fly or the power to teleport? And why can't I have both?
Have the power to see the future or to record your dreams? I already record my dreams (in a sense) by writing them down in a journal ..
Would you rather be really skinny or really fat? Skinny.
Would you rather be in a drama movie or a comedy? Depends what the storyline is.
Be lost in a forest or stuck in a box? Well, I'm not sure what I'd be doing in a box to begin with, but I'll go with 'lost in a forest'.
Be in a hip hop video or a rock video? I don't want to be in a video. If I have to choose though, I'd say a rock video.
Would to rather have your birthday on Christmas Day or February 29th? I pity those who was born on Feb 29.I do.I really do.
Would you rather live in the sewer, or in Afghanistan? I'm not a Ninja Turtle... so I'd prefer to live above ground.
Would you rather be in a mental institution or in a penitentiary? I'd have to go with mental institution because if I ever do end up in one (which could happen) I'd probably be locked up in solitary confinement.
Would you rather snowboard or hang glide? Neither. Can I go sledding instead?
Would you rather be a ninja or a pirate? Ninja-pirate? Pirate-ninja??

*What’s the first thing that comes to you mind when you see the word...
Courage: The Red Badge of Courage.
Driver: Passenger.
Yoga: Yoga mats.
Bakery: German Chocolate Cake.
Roach: "Welcome to Joe's Apartment...."
Mushrooms: Pizza.
Sprung: "Well, I see what the problem is. Your radiator has sprung a leak."
Exotic: Pet Shop of Horrors.
Pythagorean: Geometry.

What's your definition of love? When you accept someone completely for who and what they are, and would do anything for them.
List 3 words that are clues about a person you are interested in: Starts with J.Not from Malaysia.My One and My Only.
Who or what is your worst enemy? Shhh.... it's a secret.
Who is the last person you kicked? Well now, this is random. I don't know.
If you had to be a chess piece, which piece would you be? The Queen.
Name a person you know whose name begins w/ the first letter of your last name: Denise.
What's a romantic thing somebody’s done for you? Does calling you from abroad counts?

*What is Your Opinion?
"Girls are nothing but drama." Some are, some aren't.
"Only idiots watch The Simpsons."? Only idiots hang out at MPH for hours without buying anything.
"Kentucky is way better than Cali."? I don't care.
"There's nothing wrong with stealing.": Hey. Don't steal; the Government hates competition.
"Alcohol is the answer to all your problems."? Duct tape solves everything.
"You don't need to go to college to be a brain surgeon."? I'll be damned if you're operating on my brain then.
"Music is stupid."? As if I care what you think.
"Your car sucks."? Still gonna be saying that after it has run you over... then backed up over you.. then ran you over again..... then backed up over you .... [repeat each action a few more times]

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